Every year, the instrument brand Tagima holds the big Tagima Dream Team event (also known as TDT) and this year TDT brought you several new releases in guitars, basses, ukuleles and drums. Are you looking for something specific? See the markings: 00:00 - TDT2021 00:49 - TDT2021 Theme with Ney Nakamura 02:59 - Ukuleles with Luana Mascari 04:42 - Guitars with Lucas Farese 06:59 - Tagima Stella H2 with Maurício Alabama 08:56 - Marcinho Eiras' favorite guitar 11:07 - Acoustic guitars with Lucas Farese 15:57 - Basses with Lucas Farese 16:44 - Drums with Michel Nishimura Links Whatsapp: (11) 93254-3864, (11) 98321-0189, (11) 99389-8227 Facebook: / grooverbr Instagram: / grooverbrsp Website: https://www.groover.com.br Instagram MTS Luthieria: / mtsluthieria Whatsapp MTS Luthiery: (11) 93207-2187 Filming and Editing: https://www.borgesvideomaker.com.br