Hi Assalamualaikum this time I want to share my activities as a housewife and keep the house tidy, cook simple menus, happy to be a housewife, life around housewives, how busy housewives are every day, but still happy and enthusiastic, hopefully this video can entertain and give enthusiasm to carry out daily activities 🥰 email: [email protected] Wa Admin: 085658427828 video editing: Capcut #dailyvlog #productivehousewife #adayinmylife #housewifeactivities #minimalisthome #aestheticvlog #minimalistkitchen #cleaningupthekitchen #cleaningupthehouse #eveningactivities #homewithouthome #cooking #simplemenucooking #cleaningthehouse #shopping #weeklyshopping #traditionalmarket #foodpreparation #cleaningmotivation #tidyingup #tidyingupmotivation #cleaningupa messyhouse #homeactivities #happinessofbeinghome #homespirit #homejoysands