The loss of a loved one, poor health or broken contact with a family member or loved one: loss and grief have many faces. But how do you actually grieve, while your peers are mainly busy with their studies, travel or love life? Is there such a thing as a step-by-step plan? For mourners and people who do not know how to comfort someone? Find out on March 19. When Lisanne van Sadelhoff herself went through a deep valley after losing her mother, she started a search for how our resilience mechanism works. She shares her findings about what makes people able to get back up after loss, whether everyone can cope with the same amount of setbacks and how we can make ourselves more resilient. We will talk to Ameline Ansu about how different cultures deal with grief. From the Netherlands to China and Sierra Leone, dealing with loss is not the same anywhere. One celebrates and the other mourns for forty days. Artist and fragrance designer Steffie Baaijens will also be present. When her lover suddenly passed away, she created a series of perfumes with scents that are related to him: the scent of their dates, the scent of the T-shirt he sent her. Using this project scented memories, she will talk about how scent is connected to grieving for her. GUEST SPEAKERS Lisanne van Sadelhoff: Author of 'You are young and you grieve a little' & 'We will continue' Ameline Ansu: Maker of the podcast 'Mourning rituals' & author of 'Condolences' Steffie Baaijens: Artist, designer and scent designer Britt Krabbe: Moderator This is a program of Studium Generale in collaboration with Boekenweek Deventer, minor palliative care, minor intercultural work, Saxion Podcast Beyond Death.