Luis Teichmann (@5sprechwunsch) is probably Germany's best-known paramedic: 1.5 million people follow him on TikTok, where he reports on the funniest, most touching and most bizarre situations that he encounters every day. On deep and clear, he talks about how hard the job in the emergency services is, which mission has stuck with him for 10 years - and he explains how you can save lives. Moderated by Aminata Belli and Aurel Mertz. Chapters: 00:00 – 00:49 Intro 00:50 – 05:02 This is what everyday life as a paramedic looks like 05:03 – 07:28 This is how Luis deals with his stressful job 07:29 – 09:04 This was Luis' most emotional mission 09:05 – 10:57 Attacks on emergency services: This is how dangerous it can be 10:58 – 14:26 The most bizarre missions: When should you call an ambulance? 14:27 – 19:08 First aid: This is how you do cardiac massage 19:09 Outro Moderation: Aminata Belli & Aurel Mertz You can find more Deep Talk and all the rounds in the ARD Mediathek: https://1.ard.de/deep-und-deutlich Do you have any guest suggestions? What topics should we urgently talk about? Feel free to write to us: [email protected] You don't want to miss anything? #deepunddeutlich #funk #luisteichmann