The best thing is to keep as much distance as possible from narcissistic personalities, but that is not always possible. What then? In such cases, the Grey Rock technique can be helpful. What is the Grey Rock technique and how can it be helpful in relation to toxic people such as narcissists? #narcissism #narcissists #narcissismunderstanding #narcissist #psychology 40 signs that you are dealing with a narcissist - • 40 signs to recognize narcissists More videos on the topic of narcissism and narcissists - • Narcissism and narcissists Help: Coaching & Advice - https://www.karstennoack.de/narzisste... Therapy - https://noack-therapie.de/therapie-be... Articles on other topics are now on their own channels: Homepage - https://www.karstennoack.de Profile - https://www.karstennoack.de/karsten-n... Twitter - / karstennoack Instagram - / karstennoack YouTube channel: Better living - / @gutesleben YouTube channel: Protection from toxic contemporaries - / @karsten-noack Fears and anxiety disorders - / @aengste English: Help for people suffering from narcissists - / @karstennoack 0:00 Introduction 1:22 Attention 1:54 What is the Grey Rock Technique? 3:17 Manipulations 4:19 Provocations 5:26 Enough! 5:52 Enough of it 6:55 Reduce to the minimum 8:08 Examples 8:21 Keep necessary interactions short 9:13 No justifications 9:27 Maintain your privacy 10:18 Avoid emotional involvement 10:39 Factual level 10:59 Don't offer anything 12:55 Disconnect 14:10 Keep what you do to yourself 15:00 Joint custody as a special challenge 15:59 Practice, practice, practice 17:01 Limits 18:03 Risks of the Grey Rock Technique 18:53 Conclusion