Implementation of a green septic tank or evapotranspiration tank (TEVAP) for treating black water, and a circle of banana trees for treating gray water, examples of social technology for rural sanitation. The TEVAP consists of a waterproof tank (or basin) where the sewage arrives at the bottom through a row of tires covered with rubble, then gravel, sand and soil. In the upper part of the tank, species with broad leaves should be planted to evapotranspire, and consequently filter the water in the system. Therefore, the sewage water undergoes a treatment process based on physical filtration (rubble, stone, sand) and biological filtration (anaerobic bacteria that naturally appear in the system); and the decomposed organic matter and mineral salts released serve as fertilizer for the banana trees and other plants. The leaves and fruits produced in this septic tank-bed can be consumed without any problems. The ingestion of roots is not recommended. The water that comes out of the upper drain of this system must enter a gray water treatment system, such as a banana tree circle. Note: TEVAP is also known as an ecological pit, banana pit or evapotranspiration basin (BET). Activity that is part of the Bananal Connection Subproject (Atlantic Forest Connection Project), in the PSA (Payment for Environmental Services) tool, executed by PLURAL Consulting, Research and Services Cooperative (www.pluralcooperativa.com.br) _____________________________________________________ Filmed in August 2021, at Sítio Nossa Senhora da Conceição, Bananal, SP. Consulting: Amanda Carrara Construction: Rômulo SG de Oliveira, Adriano Costa and Amanda Carrara Direction & Photography: Beto Campos Editing: Adriana Borges Music: Suzana Vaz Thanks to: Maria Antonia Lacerda & Suzana Vaz (excerpt from baroque flute duo, composer Telleman)