Educational video for kids to learn about the greatest common divisor. Multiples of a number are the numbers you get when you multiply the initial number by any other integer. Divisors, on the other hand, are the numbers by which you can divide a number with a zero as a remainder. The greatest common divisor of two numbers is the largest number by which both can be divided exactly, that is, the remainder of their division gives us 0. To calculate the greatest common divisor, we must start by decomposing our number into prime factors. Once we have decomposed both numbers into prime factors, we need to learn the greatest common divisor rule. To calculate the greatest common divisor, we must select only the common factors raised to the lowest exponent. In our case, the only common factor we found is 5 to the 2nd power, that is, 25. This video is a very useful and interesting resource for children. It is perfect for teaching children about the greatest common divisor. It is an excellent video for elementary school. Welcome to the Smile and Learn educational channel! If you want children to smile and learn, this is your channel. SIGN UP! You will discover unique, fun and educational material for children aged 3 to 12. You can find stories about values, videos with educational content (geography, history, letters, science, etc.), videos about emotions, yoga… And much more! All videos and stories come from our Smile and Learn educational app platform. For more information, go to www.smileandlearn.com and DOWNLOAD the app, you won't regret it! www.smileandlearn.com