Do you want to identify self-centered or narcissistic people through their handwriting? These personality types have very characteristic graphic features that make them very easy to detect. Both in the private sphere of personal relationships and in the area of personnel selection, this personality trait is essential to know what to expect with the people around us. Find out how to detect this type of people too! ----------------------------------------------------- Sandra Cerro Graphology Center (Madrid) REQUEST YOUR GRAPHOLOGICAL STUDY: [email protected] TRAIN IN GRAPHOLOGY AND CALIGRAPHIC EXPERTISE WITH US: University Expert Course in Business Graphology (HR), from the Distance University of Madrid: https://sandracerro.com/curso-experto... Calligraphic Expertise Courses: https://sandracerro.com/curso-experto... Online Graphology Courses: https://sandracerro.com/cursos-online... Face-to-face Graphology Courses in Madrid: https://sandracerro.com/cursos-presen... Distance Graphology Courses: https://sandracerro.com/cursos-a-dist...