Graphical differentiation - introduction to differentiation (simply explained). We explain what a derivative is and how you can derive a graph graphically. Also: What is the slope at a point and what does a tangent or slope tangent have to do with it. Recognizing high points and low points. How do we create the derivative function graphically (using the example of the quadratic function). To the lesson: https://www.matheretter.de/m/dif/graf... Drawing the graphs yourself: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/8np... Derivatives, graphs, derivative graphs, determining derivative functions graphically, graphical differentiation / graphical differentiation in school ++ Part 2 is not free and deals with the topic further. ++ Become a customer: http://www.matheretter.de/ Mathematics videos for pupils and students. To prepare for tests and math assignments. Learn math online quickly and easily! © Matheretter