What is it like to stay at the Grand Plladium Imbassaí in Bahia? See all the details of this All Inclusive Resort considered one of the best in Brazil. See what the restaurants, pools, hotel beach, SPA and entertainment activities are like. In addition, we show in detail what is included, what the food and drinks are like and much more. Also understand the benefits of those who book The Signature Level packages, which is the resort's premium level. 0:00 Introduction 0:58 Pools 1:39 All-inclusive drinks 3:40 The Signature Level suites 5:21 Resort beach 9:19 Dinner buffet 11:31 Zentropia SPA 12:52 O Segredo Pool 16:59 Mediterranean Restaurant - Portofino 19:59 Theater 20:31 Breakfast 23:14 Poolside meals 34:19 Snacks 27:34 Japanese Restaurant - Sumptuori 30:52 Closing #grandpalladium #imbassai #bahia