Governor Saito Motohiko of Hyogo Prefecture is accused of power harassment of employees. In the accusation document of a former senior official of the prefecture, there is a statement pointing out the governor's chats outside of working hours, and the 100-Article Committee is investigating. MBS has independently obtained the results of an investigation into chats exchanged between the governor and senior officials. From April last year to March this year, there were a total of 4,885 posts in which the governor was the sender or recipient, and it has been newly discovered that nearly half of these, or 2,165 posts, were sent outside of working hours, such as late at night or on holidays. Is giving work instructions outside of working hours considered harassment? Also, what do people in the city where they work think about "contact outside of working hours"? ▼MBS NEWS HP https://www.mbs.jp/news/ ▼The latest news and special features are delivered every day Please subscribe to our channel! https://www.youtube.com/c/MBSnewsCH?s... #GovernorSaito #PowerHarassmentAllegations #Harassment #OutsideWorkHours #Contact #Chat #MBSNews #MainichiBroadcasting