Sometimes, many people feel awake at certain times, such as 3 am. Some consider it a coincidence or even feel confused by this phenomenon. However, in the perspective of Islam, nothing happens by chance. Every event in our lives has a deep meaning, even an awakening that occurs at certain times. One of them is waking up at 3 am. This phenomenon, according to the Islamic view, can contain various meanings and messages that Allah may want to convey to us. meaning of waking up at 3 am, meaning of waking up at 3 am, meaning of waking up at 2 am, waking up at 3 pm, prayer waking up at 3 am, waking up at 3 am meaning, prayer, night prayer, tahajjud, tahajud prayer, dhuha prayer, dhikr after tahajud, side of life, privilege of waking up at 3 am, privilege of waking up at 3 am, 9 meanings of waking up at 2 or 3 amSometimes, many people feel awake at certain times, such as at 3 am. Some consider it a coincidence or even feel confused by this phenomenon. However, from an Islamic perspective, nothing happens by chance. Every event in our lives has a deep meaning, even an awakening that occurs at certain times. One of them is waking up at 3 am. This phenomenon, according to the Islamic perspective, can contain various meanings and messages that Allah may want to convey to us. meaning of waking up at 3 am, meaning of waking up at 3 am, meaning of waking up at 2 am, waking up at 3 am, prayer waking up at 3 am meaning, prayer, night prayer, tahajjud, tahajud prayer, dhuha prayer, dhikr after tahajud, side of life, privilege of waking up at 3 am, privilege of waking up at 3 am, 9 meanings of waking up at 2 or 3 am