The Hug Goose is a toy during the day, but a dangerous creature at night! If it crashes into your window, you have only 72 hours to show your hospitality, otherwise the goose will stay with you! Kevin and Ariela's ruined date, power outages, and a strange attack on a mother animal... Is the Hug Goose really capable of this? Mail for advertising and cooperation: [email protected] Telegram: T.me/lyapota_tv TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/HX4Dbr/ Lyapota TV Channel: / LyapotaTVshow Zveromama Modnitsa Channel: / @MishaLerkinBlog Zveropapa Gamer Channel: / @cathorror Lyapota Family Channel: / lyapotafamily We are in VK: https://vk.com/mikhail_bond007 https://vk.com/id291114121 VK Group: https://vk.com/lyapotatv #catstoryofhorror #mysticism #lyapotatv