In the past, if you had rich parents, you would go to school on a Vespa, nowadays it's all the rage to arrive in a kind of Canta. Not those wheelchairs for the elderly, but in an electric Birò! Price? A whopping 13,000 euros. In 't Gooi, you're worthless as a student without... #pownews #grindingtowel #biro ???? Support PowNed, become a member: https://www.helpmee.tv ⭐ Discover more from PowNed on our website and socials! ► Website: https://www.powned.tv ► Facebook: https://www.fb.com/OmroepPowNed ► Instagram: / omroeppowned ► TikTok: / omroeppownedofficial ► Twitter: / powned ???? Tip for the editors? Mail to [email protected]