Heiko Pöttersen, who moved to a foreign country as a young man, is now in prison and has written his memoirs. The village pub fondly remembers Heiko Pöttersen, a son of Büttenwarder, who moved to a foreign country as a young man to seek his fortune. Shorty can now provide his friends with fresh information about Heiko's further career. However, this turns out to be a logical series of mistakes: Heiko Pöttersen is now in prison. But at least he wrote his memoirs there - and that is the source from which Shorty drew the fresh facts. But everything is different Brakelmann immediately starts to think. That is, a few days later he has the idea: I'll do that too. And to prevent Adsche from outdoing him, the old friend-enemy is hired as secretary. For fifty-fifty, of course. However, it soon becomes clear that it might be difficult to fill a 200-page book with Brakelmann's life story. Brakelmann needs more material. And that soon arrives. His dear Uncle Werner sends an old Super 8 film roll from faraway Düdersen. And it soon becomes clear that large parts of Büttenwarder's story must be rewritten. Episode 28 / 2009 / buettenwarder https://www.ndr.de/buettenwarder https://www.ndr.de