The storyline of the anime film (ANIME GOKUSHUFUDOU S1 BUT TOLD BY MILITAN WIBU) this time discusses a househusband who lives his life seriously. Unfortunately, he has a fierce face and indeed his past is quite dark. You could say he is a Japanese version of a retired thug. How does this retired thug continue his life as a househusband? The answer is in the storyline of the anime film Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha but told by Militant Wibu. Title: Gokushufudou S1 / The Way of House Husband Those who want to request can also write in the comments column. Peek at the storyline of other Anime Films from Nero is still empty :( ---------- © COPYRIGHT / LICENSING All rights belong to their respective owners. However, if any owner would like us to remove the video, we have no problem and will do so as fast as possible. Please consider messaging us if you have any concerns. Email: [email protected] ─ ... ????⬛ Please support like and subscribe so that this wibu is useful / @neroanime #nero #gokushufudou #storyline