Kratos begins a war against Asgard. God of War: Ragnarök is the sequel to God of War (2018) developed by Santa Monica Studio and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. Approximately three years after the events of God of War (2018), the Fimbulvetr is coming to an end and is prophesied to usher in the dreaded Ragnarök. Now a teenager, Atreus still seeks answers regarding his identity as Loki, as well as a way to prevent Ragnarök from happening. To uncover the truth, Kratos and Atreus will seek out the Norse God of War, Tyr, who was thought to be dead. As they traverse the Nine Realms, the duo must face new threats, including Thor, the enraged God of Thunder, and Freya, his former ally, who seeks revenge following the death of her son Baldur at Kratos' hands. On this channel I always bring you tutorials of the best video games No comments in 4K 60 fps complete guide showing all the scenes, boss fights, side missions, best moments and true and secret endings. All videos are recorded and edited by me.