Serdar Tuncer, who invites his audience to learn a moral from the story with different stories every week, tells a story from the feminine happiness of our Prophet (pbuh) in this week's Biri Bir Gün. Serdar Tuncer mainly told the following: Peace be upon you, those who are devoted to the saints, those who love them, those who do not let anyone talk about them, those who can establish a point of connection, a bond between their hearts and the saints for the happiness of the hereafter in this world, and also those who pray to God Almighty to know the nature of charity with certainty. Our Prophet (pbuh) would sometimes tell stories and anecdotes to our honorable companions and through these stories he would try to instill a wisdom, a beauty, a good morality, a truth into the hearts of our honorable companions. Here is one of the stories that the Messenger of Allah told that corresponds to charity. They are sitting with our honorable companions. Our honorable prophet (peace be upon him) says that a man went out one night with the intention of giving alms. We need to open a parenthesis here. The Messenger of Allah says that the man went out at night. Why did he go out at night to give alms? Allah and the worlds know the truth, but the Almighty Allah says in the verse We made the night a cover. Everyone sees what is done in the open, but the one who does what is done under the cover knows what is done under the cover, and the Lord of the Worlds knows what is done under the cover, and no one else knows. If a person goes out and gives alms during the day, maybe the person who receives the alms will be embarrassed, crushed, or the person who gives the alms will think, how generous I am. If something like this comes to his soul for a moment, if he feels it and thinks, look how I am giving, that is enough to trouble him. It is enough to take away the blessing of that work, the admiration for that work, the reward of that work. It may even make a person a sinner. Now to prevent this, he doesn't say alms in the sense of saying "give alms at night and you give alms at night", but this is how it is generally done. Give alms during the day and at night, seek refuge in Allah, say "estaghfirullah el azîm". Say "I am not the one giving" and give, but the issue of this night appears before us both in this story told by our Prophet (pbuh) and in the sensitivity of our ancestors regarding alms. The rest is in our video. Come, Let's Walk Together... #BiriBirGun #SerdarTuncer #AkçadağGrup #MyMecra ???? Don't Forget to Subscribe to Our Channel: http://bit.ly/BeraberYuruyelim MyMecra's other playlists: ???? Biri Bir Gün Serdar Tuncer: https://bit.ly/BiriBirGun ???? Son33 Orhan Karaağaç: https://bit.ly/SON33 ???? Listen to What Ömer Tuğrul İnançer: https://bit.ly/DinleNeyden ???? Our Own Sky İbrahim Kalın: https://bit.ly/İbrahimKalin ???? Willow Shadow Nurullah Genç: https://bit.ly/Sogut_Golgesi ???? İzle: http://bit.ly/izler_mymecra ???? Evocatives Savaş Şafak Barkçin: https://bit.ly/Cagrisimlar ???? Let's Think Ömer Türker: https://bit.ly/BiDusunelim ???? Look From Here Savaş Şafak Barkçin: https://bit.ly/BideBuradanBak ???? Our Shorts Videos: https://bit.ly/Shorts_Videolerimiz ???? Such Things Happen in Movies Cem Uçan: https://bit.ly/Boyle_Seyler_Filmlerde... ???? In Search of Yunus MyMecra: https://bit.ly/Yunusun_Izinde ???? Saliha Erdim ile Recipe: https://bit.ly/Saliha_Erdim_ile_Recete ???? Some Things Umut Zeybek: https://bit.ly/Bazi_Seyler ???? In 10 Questions Süleyman Mete: https://bit.ly/10Soruda ???? Eternity Caravan Bilal Kemikli: https://bit.ly/Sonsuzluk_Kervani ???? Escape Ramp Talha Gülören: http://bit.ly/kacis_rampasi ???? They Said Süleyman Aşk Knows the Language Sadettin Ökten: https://bit.ly/Suleyman_Ask_Dilin_Bil... ???? Suddenly: https://bit.ly/CatKapi ???? There Is a Problem Serdar Tuncer & Orhan Karaağaç: https://bit.ly/BiMeseleVar ???? When You Deyince The Story of a City: https://bit.ly/Deyince ???? What's the Topic? - Uğur Işılak & Serdar Tuncer: https://bit.ly/KonuNedir ???? Tell Your Trouble Hayati İnanç: https://bit.ly/DerdiniSoyle ???? Here's Garip Bencileyin: https://bit.ly/soyle_garip_bencileyin ???? Success Requires a Price Nurullah Genç: https://bit.ly/BasariBedelIster ???? Road Map Yusuf Kaplan: https://bit.ly/YusufKaplan ???? Çekirdekçiler MyMecra: https://bit.ly/Cekirdekciler ???? What Does God Tell Us Yasin Pişgin: https://bit.ly/Mevla_Bize_Ne_Soyler ???? If Only You Were Here Şemseddin Bektaşoğlu: https://bit.ly/Sen_Olmasaydin ???? I Climbed the Plum Branch Ahmet Özhan: https://bit.ly/CiktimErikDalina ???? Looks Bertan Rona: https://bit.ly/Bakislar ???? To JOIN our family ???? https://bit.ly/Mymecra_KATIL You can follow us on our social media addresses below ???? Facebook: / mymecra ???? İnstagram: / mymecra ???? Twitter: / mymecra ???? Website: http://mymecra.com/ Platforms where you can follow o