◆Click here to purchase tickets and get more details for ChanGero Sonic 2022!!! →https://gero-music.net/cgs2022/ ★〈Early Purchase Bonus〉Special staff pass with serial number! *As this is a first come first served basis, when the bonus is sold out, only regular tickets will be available. Hello, this is Niku Chomolungma! I upload videos every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7pm, or so I think. Please subscribe to my channel! Here is Kradness's YouTube channel! → / kradness Here is Twitter! → / kradness55 Here is Sanbu's YouTube channel! → / @3_bu_2525 Here is Twitter! : → / 3_bu_2525 NikuChomo Official Twitter → / niku_chomo For deep Chomo lovers, go to "NikuChomo Secret Base" → / @NikuChomo Secret Base Membership → / @nikuchomo NikuChomo Official TikTok →https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSdMNmUFg/ NikuChomo Official LINE →https://lin.ee/7krWkG4 For inquiries, work etc. →[email protected] (I love working, we look forward to hearing from you) Video editing: Takumi Twitter → / happy_takumikun Staff: Yamachan Twitter → / yamachandogluv ◆Member information Gero YouTube channel → / @gerochannel Twitter → / gero2525 Instagram →https://www.instagram.com/geroyade/?h... Official website →http://gero-official.jp/ Meichan YouTube channel → / @meynico Twitter → / meynico Instagram → https://www.instagram.com/meynicokawa... Official HP → https://meychan.com/ #Nikuchomolungma #gero #Mei-chan #Kradness #Part 3