GOD'S MESSAGE FOR THE ATHEIST POLICEMAN - ATTILA HENGER - TELL ME HOW! WITH ANTONIA FUDULU An atheist policeman tells his experience with God. ''I was doing well in every way. I had no goal in life. I got married, but I wasn't ready. I wasn't responsible. I started cheating on my wife. It became a habit. After the divorce, things started to go from bad to worse. The problems didn't change my habits. I didn't believe in God. After God sent me the first message, I thought I had mental problems. It happened three times, in the morning, at the same time.'' What messages did God send to the atheist policeman and how did his life change? Follow the story in detail, Sunday at 8:00 PM, on Tell Me How! with Antonia Fudulu. #message #god #policeman #atheist #experience #good #plans #goal #life #married #marriage #prepared #responsible #cheating #infidel #wife #habit #divorce #bad #problems #faith #mentalproblems #incident #morning #time #story #deviantstory #atiilahenger #spunemicum #antoniafudulu message, god, policeman, atheist, experience, good, plans, goal, life, married, marriage, prepared, responsible, cheating, infidel, wife, habit, divorce, bad, problems, faith, mental problems, accidental, morning, time, story, life story, atiila henger, tell me how, antonia fudulu