From Genesis to Revelation, one major theme runs through the Word of God. It is the story of the Lamb, whom God chose himself and through whom He will abolish sin! Did you know that the Lamb of God is mentioned around 30 times in the Book of Revelation - more often than in any other book! That it is shown there as the great object of worship - on the one hand in connection with the wonderful signs of His love and at the same time as the executor of God's judgments? The Lamb that is in the midst of the throne of God and that ensures that God achieves His goal with this creation! #bible #lambofgod #endtimes ********* IMPORTANT INFORMATION: You can order FREE DEVOTIONAL BOOKS via the following link (for yourself and to pass on if you like), which we will send to you postage free. We would be happy if many Christians were strengthened and encouraged in their faith through the books: https://shop.ausglaubenleben.org/ °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° The following devotional books are available free of charge via the link: How great is our God!? - Trust in amazement and worship in admiration (82 devotions) Living by faith - taking God at his word and honoring him through trust (92 devotions) In the footsteps of the Master - how the gentleness of Jesus changes your life (30 devotions) Dependence in the life of Jesus - inspiration and challenge for true discipleship (123 devotions) You can also order the books in other languages free of charge using the following link: https://www.the-bereans.com/svetlik °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° A VERY BIG THANK YOU to everyone who prays for the work on “Living by Faith”, who sends us feedback by email, who shares these videos with others or who supports the work financially. Support the work via Paypal: [email protected] or simply write an email to: [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Website: https://www.ausglaubenleben.org/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LIVING BY FAITH on SPOTIFY: https://spotify.link/i7G3yYyk8yb ... and on INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/ausglaubenleben... *********************** Challenging articles on the subject of discipleship and following: https://juengerschaft.org/de-en/ (with daily or weekly newsletter) ---------------------------------------- Short sermons in English: / lifebyfaith24