Do you know how to choose a healthy flour for your daily life? Which is the best one to use in each recipe? How do you know if it is healthy or not? How do you make substitutions? #Dani'sHealthyCooking #healthycooking #flours Almond flour, hazelnut flour, peanut flour... there are so many options, right? Well, with so many questions, I prepared today's video. In this video, I will share everything you need to know about this topic, while teaching you a healthy cake recipe. #HealthyCooking #glutenfree #breads Check out my Healthy Recipe Book for Parties: https://materiais.danifarialima.com.b... Check out my Lowcarb Recipe Book for your day: https://materiais.danifarialima.com.b... Hi, I'm Dani Faria Lima. I started in healthy eating as a Personal Chef, offering group and individual courses. And something that always caught my attention was that people who requested my services had a very wrong idea that healthy cooking had no flavor. Naturally, in search of constant improvement, I traveled the world to discover in depth the most different preparations, in order to rescue and incorporate these flavors into my diet and consequently into the lives of those I could teach. My main idea has always been to give up as much as possible industrialized products, opting more and more for natural and fresh ingredients. I based myself on this, studying and looking for places that connected me to this increasingly natural universe. I am the founder of the largest Healthy Eating Community in Brazil, with more than 5,000 students who, every day, add much more health and flavor to their family's meals, maintaining the pleasure and joy of eating, but without losing their health. I am happy to contribute to weight loss, improved health exams, the quality of life of children and spouses, as well as several other benefits that healthy eating provides. To learn more about the Healthy Community, click on the link below: www.danifarialima.com.br