◼︎ On December 21, 1963, 123 young people boarded a plane to Germany. They were to work as miners in Germany for three years. Starting in 1966, nurses and nursing assistants also began to be dispatched to Germany. By 1977, 7,936 miners and 11,057 nurses and nursing assistants had been dispatched to Germany. They sent more than 80% of the monthly wages they received for working in Germany to their families in Korea. The total amount of money they sent to Korea between 1965 and 1975 was $101.53 million. This amounted to 2% of the total export amount at the time. However, behind all these flashy numbers, hidden are the sweat and tears that young Koreans shed in an unfamiliar land. #KoreanHistory #History #HistorySpecial #HistoryJournal Copyright ⓒ KBS. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction, redistribution, and use (including AI learning) are prohibited.