Do you appreciate our videos? Then support Café Weltschmerz, the platform for free speech: https://www.cafeweltschmerz.nl/doneren/ Globalist agendas in your municipality? Nathalie and André Rozendaal are politically active locally. With beautiful speeches they hope to make residents aware of what is also being implemented in their region. You can hear their experience in this Staat's Schuld! --- This video was produced by Café Weltschmerz. Café Weltschmerz believes in the power of conversation and broadcasts interviews about current social themes. We offer a high-quality alternative to the mainstream media. Café Weltschmerz is independent and not affiliated with political, religious or commercial parties. Do you want to watch more videos and stay informed via our newsletter? Then go to: https://www.cafeweltschmerz.nl/videos/ Do you want to be informed of our new videos? Then click on Subscribe above!