"Tsubasa wo Kudasai" (Please Give Me Wings) was released by the folk group Akaitori as the B-side of the single "Takeda no Komoriuta" on February 5, 1971. Lyrics by Yamagami Michio, composition and arrangement by Murai Kunihiko. In 2007, it was selected as one of the "100 Best Japanese Songs." ●Kamifusen is a Japanese folk duo formed in 1974. Goto Etsujiro and Hirayama Yasuyo, who were members of the folk group Akaitori, got married just before Akaitori disbanded, and after the disbandment, they began working as a husband-wife duo called Kamifusen. They have continued to perform for a long time, mainly in the Kansai region. [Kamifusen (kamifusen) Contents List] Kamifusen - Before Winter Comes • Before Winter Comes - Kamifusen (kamifusen) Kamifusen - Please Give Me Wings • Please Give Me Wings - Kamifusen (kamifusen) [Top 100 Japanese Songs] Kamifusen - Takeda's Lullaby • Takeda's Lullaby - Kamifusen (kamifusen) #PleaseGiveMeWings #Kamifusen #kamifusen #PleaseGiveMeWings #RedBird #GotoEtsujiro #HirayamaYasuyo #YamagamiMichio #MuraiKunihiko #GotoEtsujiro #HirayamaYasuyo #Top100JapaneseSongs