✅ "Filler Words" is an animated musical created by a team of independent artists between 2016 and 2021. ✅ "Filler Words" is a sound canvas based on samples of all sorts of everyday objects recorded on a speech microphone given to us by a stranger on the street. ✅ "Filler Words" is one 12-minute song consisting of 1,329 words. Idea, lyrics, music, voice: Dmitry Mozzhukhin. Art director of the project: Alexey Ermolaev. The cartoon was created by: Alexey Ermolaev (/ starik_ermolaev) + Zilasaule (/ zilasaule) – narrator's arias Yulia Kulikova (/ yu.kulick) – snake aria Alina Stognieva (/ eeevysp) – hare aria Katya Mikheeva (/ qshau) – moose aria Masha Ermolaeva (/ masha__ermolaeva) – epilogue Thanks for the help to Nastya Vorobyova (/ nst.lnt) The project was created with the support of the HSE School of Design. Subscribe to the channel – / daitetank Watch other clips of "Give me a tank (!)" – • Clips Social networks: https://vk.com/daitetank / daitetank / daitetank #дачатанк #daitetank