Hello everyone! In this video, I will show you how to make a personalized dish towel to give as a gift to someone special. Easy and creative craft on how to make a unique dish towel to give as a gift to your friends and family with a simple and beautiful applique patch detail. Personalized dish towels are a great way to add a special touch to your kitchen. They can be personalized with images, names, logos, inspirational phrases or any other design you desire. Regardless of how you choose to use the personalized dish towels, they are a creative way to add a personal touch to your kitchen and make it even more welcoming. Measurements and materials: 70cm x 45cm of sackcloth fabric; 17cm x 46cm of calico; 46cm of cotton lace. 15cm x 15cm of calico and of permanent iron-on paper for the applique patch. I hope you enjoy my video. Link to the website with the heart template on the channel home page https://artesanatoss.com.br/molde-de-...