Often, during the exam, driver candidates face the situation where they seem to know how it should be, but decide to take a risk and do it the way they want. Why is that and why? As a rule, this is due to the fact that when the Instructor explained what and how to do during the classes, they did not explain why it was necessary to do it that way. That is, there was no conscious understanding from the student of the actions he was doing. Here, Svetlana decided to check whether it was possible to do it the way she would have done it. In the end, this is what happened... ✏️ It became possible to enroll anyone who wants to join the STUDY GROUP of a proven Driving School: the training period is 2 months ???? Help in developing the channel: SBER 2202 2050 2386 4199 ???? Sign up for driving lessons with me: 8 (985) 068-74-86 Petr ???? VIDEO LESSONS: Channel on Rutube: https://rutube.ru/channel/24424386/ ???? DAILY NEWS. REAL STORIES OF STUDENTS: Channel in Telegram: https://t.me/grammatika_vozhdeniya ???? USEFUL ARTICLES. LIFE HACKS: Yandex Zen: https://zen.yandex.ru/id/5e663234ef9a... ???? VKontakte GROUP: https://vk.com/urokivozdeniay #gibddexam #gibddnavarshavka #gibddexamsevernoyebutovo #newgibddregulations #preparingfortheexam #exam #turnaroundoutsidetheintersection #turnaround