It all happened on Sunday, July 17, 2022.....and it was not the dry, distant and hot West, as that blazing sun and those very high temperatures at noon made us believe...☀️????????????????, but it was Urdanibia, one of the youngest and most dynamic neighborhoods in Irun. But the seriousness and professionalism of BIDASOAKO ERRALDOIAK, together with the desire and enthusiasm of the public, made it possible for that scorching sun, together with the hypnotizing notes of Carricuernos, to resonate throughout the corners of the neighborhood, inviting us to a Gigantic, different and closer Kalejira, full of good music ????????????, magnificent dances and endless faces of joy, excitement and affection, adorned with an exciting and permanent smile. The Organization always prepares a very complete program, looking for the best and the most participatory events... and for many years BIDASOAKO ERRALDOIAK has been part of that program. There must be something in the water when it is blessed....????. I hope they continue like this and we fill the neighborhood with our gigantic magic again...????????????????????????. As they say.... Ongi etorri to the nearby, bustling and fun West of Urdanibia!!!...... ???????????????????? Again.... BIDASOAKO ERRALDOIAK in its purest form.... ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????