Once again... the Zarautz festivities in honour of San Pelaio had almost come to an end, but all those unconditional fans who enjoyed them with us three years ago could not resist giving their festivities a definitive close, without the possibility of moving to a world of colours, music ????????, smiles, fears, races, joy and dreams... many dreams. And so it was... from the moment they saw that the BIDASOAKO ERRALDOIAK machinery was going to return to the streets of their coastal town, they were sure that that morning was going to have a special shine and light. Once again... a world of fantasy... reflected in images that will also remain engraved in the heart... ????????????????????❤❤. ************* Berriro......San Pelaioren omenezko Zarauteko jaiak, amaituak zeuden gutxi gora behera, baina jarraitzaile leial guzti horiek Pasaden hiru urtean gure ondoan enjoytu zutenek, ezin izan zuten bere Jaiei behin-behineko amaiera eman, kolorezko, musikazko????????, irrifarrez, beldurrez, lasterketaz, alaitasunez, eta ametsez... amets askoz beteriko mundu batera joateko aukerarik izan gabe. Eta horrela izan zen... BIDASOAKO ERRALDOIAREN makinaria berriz ere bere itsas herriko kaleetara bueltatuko zela ikusi zutenean, argi zeukaten goiz horrek distira eta argi berezia izango zuela. Berriz ere... fantasiazko mundu bat... argazkietan isladatuta, bihotzean ere recordatuta iraungo direnak...????????????????????❤❤