The size of the giant crocodilian, which wandered around a golf course in Naples in the United States during Hurricane Eta, stunned Internet users. However, this is not the first time that a giant alligator has been spotted in this region. The scene took place during Hurricane Eta in Florida. The video by Tyler Stolting, golfer and author of these images, went viral on social media in no time. These images are impressive but in reality, alligator strolls are nothing new in Florida. Other reptilian "monsters" who love golf have already been caught on golf greens. As a connoisseur, Karim Daoues, the director and creator of the Ferme tropicale in Paris (13th arrondissement), confirms: "Alligators can measure up to 4 meters long, or even 5 meters in exceptional cases, and weigh up to 500 kg."