In a world where ghosts, demons and supernatural beings lurk in the shadows, one man stands between them and humanity - Bob Spookster, the self-proclaimed "ghost tormentor". Together with his quick-witted and equally inept partner Sake Nakamura, a trained expert in paranormal phenomena, they plunge into dangerous and often unintentionally funny adventures. Whether it's poltergeists or ghost summonings that go seriously wrong - Bob and Sake face the powers of the supernatural in their own, chaotic way. In the current case, they have to solve a spiritualist session that has gotten out of control and soon find themselves in a fight with an old, vengeful spirit. But as always, nothing goes according to plan and Bob himself becomes an involuntary tool of the supernatural. With a mix of humor, suspense and supernatural chaos, this radio play guarantees weird ghost fun where no spook is too big and no curse too dangerous! A radio play by Marco Hennings for Hoertalk.de Editing: Stefan Fabry & Sascha Kubath Cover, script & editing: Marco Hennings Music and sounds: Courtesy of Markus Hildebrandt Additional sounds and music from freesound.org The speakers were: Martha von Lüd: Dorle Hoffmann Emily: Maria Arato Thomas: Thomas Söcker Grace Parker: Janin Lange Sir Patrick Bowle: Markus Hildebrandt The magical NAVI: Anja Klukas Sake Nakamura: Ben Hofmann Bob Spookster alias Lord Abernathy: Marco Hennings Narrator: Anke Bothe