💀 Production and distribution: DinhTung Media 💀 Ghost Story: Burning Down My House 💀 Author: Ngan 💀 Editor: Minh Thu 💀 Designer: Truong Son 💀 Narrator: MC Duy Thuan 💀 Content: The rich old man Tich is famous for being rich and cruel in the village. He brutally beats anyone who displeases him. He took two wives, the first wife Kim gave birth to a son for him, but unfortunately while the maid named Man was watching, she did not pay attention and caused the boy to fall and bleed profusely. Man was afraid that he would beat her to death, so she ran away and returned home. That made the old man extremely angry and opened up a series of heartbreaking and resentful events. Let's listen to what happens next in Man's life. The Guide to the Underworld is a free ghost story listening and reading channel for everyone. With a full range of story genres such as: Ghost stories, horror ghost stories, real ghost stories, .. Will bring you the most wonderful moments of relaxation. Remember to like, share and subscribe to the channel to support the channel, comrades! © GUIDE TO THE WORLD OF THE UNDERWORLD © DINH TUNG MEDIA CO.,LTD My website: Dinhtungvoice.com (Professional recording service) My Email: [email protected] My Tiktok: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSe6k8n8B/ My Group: / 165455051553479 #nguoidanduongcoiam, #truyenma, #truyenmacothat, #mcduythuan #thieusongnhacono