#getsemani #liveworship #family Biblical Reference: Ephesians 4.6 TV GET Subscribe to our channel and follow our programming, every day, starting at 7:30 pm, on Youtube and Facebook. Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday, live on Channel 524 HD Claro Net For Tithes and Offerings, use the Pix key (CNPJ): 18.720.235/0001-13 Or visit: http://www.getsemani.com.br/oferta Igreja Batista Getsêmani Belo Horizonte/MG - (31) 3448-9898 http://www.getsemani.com.br / getsemaniaovivo Our channels on Instagram: Church: / getsemanioficial Pastor Jorge Linhares: / jorgelinharesoficial Youth: / juventudeget GET TV: / tvgetoficial Getsêmani Music: / getsemanimsc MG Pastors' Council: / conselhopastoresmg Our Channels on Facebook: Church: / getsemanibh Pastor Jorge Linhares: / jorgelinharesoficial Youth: / juventudeget GET TV: / tvgetoficial