On the morning of this Wednesday (11/09/19) we received at the office of OBlumenauense, the accordionist who was considered the best in the world after winning the Coupe Mondiale de Accordion for the second time, which took place in August in the city of Shenzhen, China. The musician from Capinzal (SC) had already won the title of the same competition in the Junior Virtuoso category in 2016 in Russia, and this year he came first in the Senior Virtuoso category. Gustavo Almeida is 19 years old, 14 of which he has lived in Blumenau. His main influences for playing the complex instrument, which works with bellows and is full of buttons, were his father and grandfather. He used to live in the Garcia neighborhood and is now in Fortaleza, which makes logistics easier when he goes once a week to Vila Itoupava, where he is a Gaita Ponto instructor at the Fábrica de Gaiteiros Project, of the Renato Borghetti Institute of Culture and Music and SESC in Blumenau. His main income comes from private accordion and harmonica lessons, either in person or via Skype. In this interview with Claus Jensen, he also gave a quick jam at the end with Brazilian classics such as Brasileirinho, Tico-tico no fubá, Wave, among others. The images were recorded by Marlise Cardoso Jensen.