Getting the right HEADROOM for our final mixes is something to keep in mind when moving on to the mastering process. Headroom will allow us to GET MORE DYNAMIC MIXES WITHOUT SATURATION, we always try to stay away from saturation as it is not healthy for our mixes. Learn what Headroom is for and its appropriate levels! ✅YOULEAN LOUDNESS METTER✅: https://youleanloudnessmeter.pxf.io/v... MY EQUIPMENT: MIDI CONTROLLER 1: https://amzn.to/2W3Kx79 SHURE SRH940 HEADPHONES: http://bit.ly/2WoJGL8 MONITORS: http://bit.ly/2GV5aJ3 INTERFACE: http://bit.ly/2DL12dU MICROPHONE: http://bit.ly/2VdCXXT ????SOCIAL NETWORKS????: ✅ / chemafraustoc ✅ / chefrau ✅https://www.instagram.com/chema_fraus... CONTACT EMAIL: [email protected] ▶KM Music Academy: / kmmusicacademy