✅ COMPLETE POPULAR GUITAR COURSE AND 40 MORE COURSES https://cordasemusica.com.br (enrollment open!) ✅ NOTE: DOWNLOAD THE PDF OF THE TEACHING MATERIAL FOR THIS CLASS BY BECOMING A SUBSCRIBER ON OUR PLATFORM Video Class with Prof. FAROFA 🟢Guitar Lessons Playlists (All Styles) POPULAR GUITAR • Popular Guitar - Songs FINGERSTYLE GUITAR • Fingerstyle Guitar - Unforgettable Themes CLASSICAL GUITAR • Classical Guitar (Instrumental) BLUES GUITAR • Blues Guitar FLAMENCO GUITAR • Flamenco Guitar (Techniques and Themes) GUITAR - TIPS AND TUNING • Guitar - Tips and Tuning 🟢Discover the Official Platform of our ONLINE MUSIC SCHOOL with more than 2000 video lessons and more than 40 courses: https://cordasemusica.com.br/ 🟢Strings and Music Playlists (ALL COURSES) https://www.youtube.com/view_all_play... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 👁🗨 Follow us on Social Media and Contacts: 🔵 Instagram: @cordasemusica_oficial ( / cordasemusica_oficial ) 🔵 Prof. Farofa's Instagram: @rafaelbazanofarofa ( / rafaelbazanofarofa ) 🔵 Official Website of Cordas e Música: http://cordasemusica.com.br/ 🔵 Contact Email: [email protected] 🔵 WhatsApp Cordas e Música: 55+ 24 98832-3449 🔵 Facebook Page: / cordasemusica