Become a member of this channel and get benefits: / @cmentepodcast Geraldo Lemos Neto is one of the great names in contemporary spiritism. Director of the Casa de Chico Xavier in Pedro Leopoldo, of the Portal and TV Saber Espiritismo, and of the Grupo Espírita Saber Amar in Belo Horizonte, he works as a psychographic medium, writer, speaker and editor of Vinha de Luz Editora. In this special chat, we will explore his trajectory, his connection with Chico Xavier, and deep themes about spirituality and the remarkable works of the Minas Gerais environment. Don't miss this enriching conversation about faith, love and the light of spiritism. E-book: Dicas de Espiritualidade do Cafofo do Black LINK: https://pay.kiwify.com.br/bZSyhup DO YOU HAVE A STORY? WANT TO PARTICIPATE? SEND YOUR EMAIL EMAIL TO SEND YOUR STORY: [email protected] CMENTE CUTS Channel !!! LINK: https: / @cortesdocmentepodcast GUEST CONTACT: GERALDO LEMOS INSTA: @geraldolemosneto THE BEST PARTS OF THE PODCASTS: Cortes do Cafofo do Black oficial: / @CortesdoCafofodoBlackOficial ADVERTISING: Get in touch: [email protected] SOCIAL MEDIA: Cmënte's Instagram: / @cmente_cmente Podcast's Instagram: / @cmente_podcast Facebook: Cmente Podcast OTHER PLATFORMS: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1f7mtFe...