Rolande GAUTIER is a geobiology practitioner in Villard de Lans (38) trained by Jacques Bonvin among others. She is also a painter. President of the Unis-Vers-Coeur association, she also organizes conferences. https://www.geobiologie-vercors.com/ https://unisverscoeur.jimdofree.com/ Important: These interviews are conducted to animate, entertain and present practitioners in unconventional medicine as well as in energy therapy. Under no circumstances should what is said be taken literally. Use your discernment and never hand over your personal power to others. These videos in no way replace sound medical advice or ongoing treatment. In an effort to communicate about natural practices, I offer interviews on these treatments that need to be better known, practices better understood, because they are carried out by caring professionals. Art' Sens Formations is here: https://www.art-sens-formations.fr/ subscribe to my Newsletter: https://www.christinepoirieuxmuller.f... My painting site: https://www.christinepoirieuxmuller.fr/ My email address: [email protected] Once the training is purchased, you can find it whenever you want in your customer area. Find all the training courses on art-sens-formations.fr And take advantage of them, they are all 50% off. You will be able to view the content of the training courses in the form of free extracts.