https://www.raiplay.it/programmi/esem... - Today Ivano is preparing a delicious Genoese-style fritto misto. First he breads the different pieces of meat (lamb chops, veal and beef slices, chicken breasts) by passing them in flour, egg and finally in breadcrumbs. He fries them in hot oil until golden brown. In the meantime, Ivano prepares the batter by mixing the flour with sparkling water and salt and then lets it rest for an hour. He then thinly slices the spina artichokes, carrot, onion, cauliflower florets and apple. At this point he passes all the vegetables and sage in the batter and fries them. He puts the milk, flour, eggs, sugar and grated lemon zest in a saucepan and mixes with a whisk until it becomes creamy. He transfers the mixture to a baking pan and when it has cooled he makes squares that he breads and fries. Ingredients 4 lamb chops 4 slices of veal 4 slices of veal 4 chicken breasts 1 carrot 1 yellow onion 2 artichokes 100 g cauliflower florets 1 apple 8 sage leaves For breading 6 eggs 200 g flour 300 g breadcrumbs For the batter flour sparkling water salt For the sweet milk 100 g flour 600 ml milk 2 eggs 50 g sugar zest of a lemon 3 l peanut oil Cooking: 200° for 30 minutes