Conference entitled “Gender and the Development Agenda: Repercussions in the international sphere.” It took place on October 24, 2024, from 9 am to 1 pm, at CPDA/UFRRJ (Avenida Presidente Vargas 417 - Rio de Janeiro/RJ). Objectives: In this Conference, we will be encouraging a critical reflection on the challenges inherent in incorporating a gender approach - from an intersectional feminist perspective - in socio-environmental projects and programs that are built in dialogue with institutions in the international political arena (with emphasis on UN agencies, such as FAO, IFAD, UNDP and UN Women). We will address the tensions experienced within a political field crossed by different interests and intentions, which involve disputes fought around different visions of development “models”, based on the attempt to guarantee strategies that seek lasting and structural transformations in unequal social relations. Speakers: Emma Siliprandi (UNIA- Spain); Rodica Weitzman (CPDA/UFRRJ; ANA and ABA Women's Working Group) Ana Elizabeth Siqueira (CAR/SDR/BA; PPGNEIM/UFBA Mediation: Mediation: Maria José Carneiro (CPDA/UFRRJ)