GEMINI AI: HOW GOOGLE DECEIVED EVERYONE DISASSEMBLY - • GEMINI AI: HOW GOOGLE DECEIVED EVERYONE ... o1 by OpenAI: A NEURAL NETWORK THAT THINKS - • o1 by OpenAI: A NEURAL NETWORK THAT THINKS ... SORA - A NEW NEURAL NETWORK FROM OPEN AI DISASSEMBLY - • SORA - A NEW NEURAL NETWORK FROM OPEN AI DISASSEMBLY ... ????We are on Telegram) https://telegram.me/droidergram At the end of 2024, Google introduced Gemini 2.0 - a new version of its multimodal artificial intelligence model. Like the first generation, it can create text, work with audio, as well as create images and videos. We are trying to figure out - is this just a minor update and evolution of Google's AI or is it a full-fledged new version and revolution! We figure out what's new, what Project Astra and Project Mariner are, Jules, and also evaluate Veo 2 and Imagen 3. Subscribe! ↓ ↓ ↓ https://goo.gl/CbimGk CONTENTS: 00:00 Introduction 02:05 Gemini 2.0 06:23 Google's AI Exosystem 07:45 Project Astra 09:10 Project Mariner 09:58 Jules 10:26 AI Game Agents 11:27 Trillium TPU Processor 11:52 And One More Thing - Veo 2 and Imagen 3 14:27 Conclusions ???? Our Droidercast PODCAST: Apple Podcasts: https://bit.ly/droidercast Podster: https://droidercast.podster.fm More videos and reviews on: http://Droider.ru http://VK.com/Droider_ru / droider_ru Boris Vedensky, Valery Istishev and Mitya Ivanov are in touch with you! Smartphone reviews, exhibition reports, news from the world of technology and much more on the most popular RuNet channel about gadgets Droider.Ru! #gemini #ai #google #Droider