A personal history of the liberation of the Northern Netherlands, relived through the eyes of Drenthe residents: Geert Veldman was a member of the so-called 'knokploegen' (fighting squads). These were mainly there to commit burglaries in order to obtain food stamps. Subscribe here: https://bit.ly/3sg6sVx In Sixty Years After the Event, people from the Northern Netherlands who experienced the war up close have their say. More RTV Drenthe? https://www.rtvdrenthe.nl / rtvdrenthe / rtvdrenthe / rtvdrenthe 'RTV Drenthe is, as a reliable and independent source of information, the linchpin in Drenthe society', that is our mission. We believe it is important to keep in touch with you as a viewer, listener and online user. Our slogan is not for nothing Always in the neighborhood. This means that we pay attention to news, sports, politics, art and culture and that we participate in various events in Drenthe. On the RTV Drenthe YouTube channel we publish several videos with recent news in different categories. Think of RTV Drenthe sports and with our famous circuit TT Assen of course also motorsport. In addition, we also publish longer news items and documentaries about crime, economy etc. #secondworldwar #stories #liberation