A cruel crime or a tragic accident? What happened to the apartment building in the middle of Düsseldorf's Flingern district? In 1997, the building collapsed and buried its residents. A total of six people died. Among them was 33-year-old Mariola, who lived with her son and mother in one of the attic apartments. During the investigation, the house owner and landlord Karl S., who is actually known as a successful entrepreneur, came under suspicion. But did he have a motive for destroying his own house? Mariola's mother survived the explosion. The landlord went on trial, and she didn't miss a single day of the trial. This trial became one of the longest criminal trials in Germany, with a total of three court cases. The victims and their families had to wait 11 years for a legally binding verdict. #GasexplosionDüsseldorf Our host Alina wanted to know what exactly happened in Düsseldorf back then. To do this, she spoke to firefighter Jörg Mihm, who remembered the day of the explosion. The victim's lawyer Leonora Holling and the lawyer Johannes Pausch also provide insights into the trial. Alina also talks to them about what it did to the relatives to have to wait so long for a verdict. _____ Table of contents: 0:00 Intro 1:36 The explosion 2:50 One of the victims 6:01 How did the explosion happen? 6:22 The perpetrators 7:38 The trial 9:22 The night of the crime 10:00 The first verdict 10:40 Procedural errors 11:40 The second trial 12:50 The defendant is at large 14:39 Waiting for a verdict 15:21 Can't murder be proven? 17:11 Appeal by the co-plaintiff 17:58 The end of the criminal trial 20:40 Conclusion _____ Research/Author: Purvi Patel _____ Have you heard about the tragic case of Mark S.? The boy lay dead in a tree for three months until his body was found ➡️ • Mark S.: His body lay dead for 3 months... _____ We are #MordOrte, the true crime format from WDR Lokalzeit. Every Monday at 5 p.m. there is a new video on this channel about the stories behind the most spectacular criminal cases in North Rhine-Westphalia. We are on site and speak to the people whose lives were changed forever by the crimes. Don't want to miss a video? Then subscribe to us! Do you have topic suggestions for us? Then send us an email to: [email protected] _____ If you listen to crime stories before going to bed, does that make you a freak? Hi, I'm Alina and I'm guilty as charged! It all started with Medical Detectives, back when my older sister let me watch secretly. The whole thing just took its course - today I know every episode of Mordlust😅 And now I'm here as one of the faces for the true crime format. Unbelievable! I'm looking forward to telling you about real cases and their backgrounds from our region. Your Alina ❗️ On our Lokalzeit homepage you can find more information about true crime cases from NRW and stories from people who deal with crime https://www1.wdr.de/lokalzeit/verbrec... You can also find the legal lexicon for our true crime community by and with Hans Reinhardt here https://www1.wdr.de/lokalzeit/verbrec... _____ Imprint: http://wdr.de/k/Impressum Data protection declaration: http://www.wdr.de/k/datenschutz Produced with ❤ and your broadcasting fee. #WDRLokalzeit