Live from 01/03/2021 Gartic phone is the game halfway between the cordless phone and pictionary, where you make drawings then guess those of others before passing it to your neighbor and where the graphic quality as much as the initial meaning goes to get milk along the way. We are still entitled to pictorial masterclasses. With Domingo, DrFeelGood, Etoiles, AngleDroit, LittleBigWhale, Antoine Daniel, MisterMV, JDG, Ponce, Ultia, Rivenzi and Xari: / domingo / drfeelgood / etoiles / angledroit / littlebigwhale / antoinedaniel / mistermv / joueur_du_grenier / ponce / ultia / rivenzi / xari Find me live on Twitch: / bagherajones My networks --------------------- The Best-Of on Youtube: / bagherajoneslive Twitter: / baghera__jones Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bagherajone... Tiktok: / bagherajones Discord: / discord