Historical human drama "Dark Road" Author/Iraha Tadayoshi [Synopsis] A young girl, Chira, becomes pregnant with the child of Kamiyama Shinzaburou of Naha, but is not allowed to marry due to her low social status. When she returns to her hometown with her newborn child, the villagers accuse her of being the child of an outsider, and she and her mother are chased out of the village. The three of them start living a simple life in a cave, but their poverty leads Chira to turn to crime, and she is eventually arrested for fraud. When she goes to court to be tried for her crime, she meets none other than Shinzaburou, the man she once loved. A moving story of laughter and tears that follows the life of a woman walking through the darkness. Chiller...Aki Chinen Shinzaburo Kamiyama...Takahiro Uehara Mother of Kamiyama...Keiko Akamine Maid...Sayuki Iraha Aniyo...Takayuki Tamaki Boy...Erika Hiroyama Yurisa Nakamine Kasumi Miyazaki Head of Village...Minami Miyagi Villagers...Kaiko Gima Mirai Yonemori Yui Okudaira Chiller's Mother...Aya Ireimon Kameju...An Noborigawa Naha no ken...Michihiko Kakazu Yaeyama no ken Toue Hiroyoshi Kinjo Shinji Student...Kentaro Takai Boatman...Kaiko Gima Senior Official...Jinichi Uza Tsukishi...Yuri Nakamine Author...Yui Okudaira [Jiutai] Singing Sanshin: Yukihiro Gushi, Itsuo Nakamura, Namihei Space Koto: Kumiko Agena Flute: Hideo Miyagi [Performance Date] Sunday, June 4, 2023 Location: Ginoza Village Cultural Center Garaman Hall #okinawa #ginoza #Ginoza Village #garamanhall #Garaman Hall #Okinawa Theater #okinawanculture #Traditional Arts #Ryukyu Dance