NEW LINK TO TELEGRAM: https://t.me/lasercut_ru Buy a CNC machine: https://clck.ru/bFr29 Website with free layouts: 3axis.co Disclaimer: the video is intended for beginners and those who plan to create a small business on their own with a minimal budget. On the Internet, all business plans look equally rosy - buy a CNC machine, put it in the garage, and rake in money. But reality often turns out to be much more complex and harsh. In this video, we will talk about the pitfalls that can arise for those who decide to open their own business in the garage on a CNC machine on their own. What mistakes can you make or what can you not take into account when building a business from scratch? How to make money in a garage and open your own production in a garage so as not to go broke, but to come out on top? If you need a machine for business, we are always happy to help you choose one for your tasks. VK group: https://vk.com/lasercut_ru (sharing experiences, unique layouts, advice from technical specialists, promotions and contests) Instagram: / lasercut.ru Telegram: https://t.me/lasercutl Hotline: 8 (800) 777-17-87 (free in the Russian Federation), St. Petersburg: +7 (812) 309-98-04, Moscow: +7 (495) 268-12-99, Yekaterinburg: +7 (343) 318-31-90, Krasnodar: 8 (861) 203-47-04, Minsk: +375 17 336-34-21 Mail: [email protected] Lasercut supplies high-quality laser and CNC milling machines to the Russian market, provides service support for equipment: training, commissioning, machine repair with CNC. #business, #businessideas, #businessfromscratch