00:00 A series that went to pot... 01:47 Ken did it Like a Lannister?! 03:08 The shortest night in history! 04:25 A look back at the Battle of Winterfel... 07:25 Tyrion has lost his brain... 09:50 Euron the Biker! 12:49 Daenerys is losing her MIND! 14:19 Sansa gets HAGAR... 15:13 Arya needs NERF! 16:25 Varys has nothing between his legs... 17:30 The Battle of the C*NARDS! 21:19 The Plan the MADMAN of History... 24:50 Jaime the NAUGHTY! 27:17 Grey Worm is taking a nap? 29:12 Inspector Ned is investigating... 32:34 Bran the shot! 34:16 Stark = Worst Family 36:01 Ned the Naive! 44:13 Robb the Fool! 49:40 Jean-Neige the Cretin... If you want to support the channel and contribute to its development, you can do so here: https://paypal.me/YajinalyseFR?countr... #gameofthrones #got