Our giveaway was supported by GPshop.hu! Our guest in our latest broadcast was Gábor Wéber, with whom we evaluated and analyzed this season! Could the papaya rules cause McLaren to lose? Has Ferrari learned to win again? Is Leclerc too well-educated to become a world champion? Did Lawson deserve the Red Bull seat? What can be expected in 2025? If you are interested in the answers, stay tuned! Host: Balázs Réthelyi, Áron Takács Editing & Photography & Graphics & Title: Barnabás Reskó, Gergely Kovács, András Longauer --------------------------------------------------- Discord ❯ / discord Our Website ❯ https://www.tribun.plus/ YOUTUBE --------------------------------------------------- Tribün Podcast ❯ / @tribun.podcast Become a channel member on our Youtube channel or on our website! TWITCH --------------------------------------------------- Follow us live ❯ / tribunpodcast PODCAST --------------------------------------------------- Tribün Podcast: Spotify ❯ https://bit.ly/spotify_tribunpodcast Apple Podcast ❯ https://bit.ly/applepodcast_tribunpod... SOCIAL --------------------------------------------------- Facebook ❯ / tribun.podcast Instagram ❯ / tribun.podcast TikTok ❯ / tribunpodcast Balázs Instagram ❯ / rethelyi.balazs —————- The show was supported by Hit Radio and Ultrahang. Our other sponsors: Social Fusion Greg Design If you need F1 stuff, visit GPshop: https://www.gpshop.hu #tribunpodcast ---------------------------------------------------