The vice-chairman of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP), Gintautas Paluckas, does not think that Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, the leader of the Social Democrats, who did not keep her promise to lead the Government, should step down from her position in the party. "Today, the emotional drama that we ourselves have created, let's face it, is such that any rational explanation does not stick. People have opinions - some are critical, that everyone is a liar, and others still believe that both of Vilijas Blinkevičiūtė's decisions - both to go to the premieres and not to go - are honest and according to certain circumstances of that day", said G on the show "ELTA savaitė" . At that time, speaking about potential partners in the future ruling coalition, G. Paluckas does not exclude the option of considering the possibility of a coalition with both Liberal Sąjūdis and the political party "Nemunas Aušra". "ELTA week" - reviews of the most important events and processes of the week in Lithuania and abroad, interviews and comments with Lithuanian and foreign experts. Host - Vytautas Bruvers. Watch the show "ELTA week" every Sunday at 20:00. on the Lrytas portal. You can find the full recording of the show at https://tv.lrytas.lt/laidos/elta-sava...